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News: Summer Tips

So my next project is how to video. How to make your home Energy Efficient for the Summer Months. Its gonna be filled with tips and ways to lower your electricity bill and make your home more energy efficient!

News: Why the High Bill?!

During the cold months customers often call because they recieved a higher than normal bill, during the winter your usage may spike. This video will break down where your money may be going to specifically, and show you ways to avoid high bills during cold temperatures.

News: Understanding Usage Adjustments

Sometimes your bill may not be correct- your TDSP may record your usage either higher or lower than it really is. In some cases the mis-read may not be noticed right away but sooner or later you'll get a usage adjustment. This video will explain to you what usage adjustments are, and how to understand one should you get one on your Bounce Energy bill.

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